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Travel Information

How to get to Krakow

By Air

The best-connected airport to reach Krakow by air is the John Paul II International and Domestic Airport Krakow Balice, located on the outskirts of the city. It is also possible to fly into the Katowice airport in Pyrzowice (77 km from Krakow), or Chopin airport, the main international airport in Warsaw (280 km).


How to get to the city centre from Krakow Airport

By Train

By train to Krakow Main Station – the train journey takes about 20 minutes; the Congress venue is located within a 15-minute drive by public transport/taxi.

Kraków Airport train station is located near the passenger terminal, at the rear of the multi-storey car park and connected with the terminal building by a footbridge.

Kraków Airport - Kraków Main Train Station: PLN 17,00

Please find further information here.

By Bus

Krakow Airport is served by three regular bus lines: 209 and 300 and one night line: 902. These are AGGLOMERATION BUS LINES.

The operator PKS Tarnobrzeg also runs to Kraków Airport, operating on the Kraków Airport - Szczyglice - Mydlniki Wapiennik - Zabierzów Młyn.

More information is avaiable here

By Taxi

Krakow Airport Taxi is the only official taxi service at the airport

Online booking
Phone booking:
+48 12 258 0 258
+48 668 307 307
Call center is open daily from 6:00 to 22:00

You can find more details of the fares here

How to get to the city centre from Katowice Airport

Wojciech Korfanty Katowice Airport is located 77km from Kraków. To get to Krakow from the airport, one must either use private bus companies that run from the airport or cab companies. An additional option is to drive from the airport to the train station in Katowice and choose a train directly to Krakow.

Please find further information here.

How to get to the city centre from Chopin - Warsaw Airport

Chopin Airport is Poland's largest airport handling most international and domestic flights. It is located about 280km from Krakow which is about 3h by train or bus.

Please find further information here.

Getting around in Krakow

Public Transport

Krakow has a very well-connected transportation network. Bus and streetcar stops are in close proximity to facilitate transfers. Sometimes they even use the same transfer hub.

You can find all the recommendations on getting around in Krakow on the official visitor website.

Tickets For Public Transport

There are vending machines at major bus stops where we can purchase transportation tickets with cash or with a credit card. Most streetcars and buses also have this option, but not all of them, so it is recommended to purchase tickets before entering the buses/trams. 

We can recommended to install an application that allows you to purchase tickets online on your phone (for example: jakdojade). We remind you that after buying such a ticket, you need to enter the special bus/tram number, which can be found inside the vehicle on a blue board usually pasted near the entrance.