Maciej Zarow
Understanding the Envelope of Function - The Ultimate Goal of Orthodontic and Restorative Treatment
The understanding of the Envelope of Function represents a key element in treatment planning in orthodontics and restorative dentistry. The anterior teeth play a dominant role in establishing the functional path that the mandible can travel. This means that the position, inclination, and lingual contour of the upper anterior teeth combine to establish the anterior guidance. Furthermore, the position of the upper incisal edges is critically important in determining whether anterior guidance is in harmony with an ideal envelope of function or if it is interfering with it. Among all the mistakes that can be made in restorative or orthodontic treatment, the restriction of the envelope of function is one of the most problematic. Placing the anterior teeth in a relationship that restricts a more horizontal envelope of function is almost certain to cause excessive wear, mobility, and forced movement of the anterior teeth. During this lecture, the concepts of patient deprogramming, CR predictable registration, and determination of the envelope of function will be explained based on clinical cases.