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Greg Huang

Greg Huang

Bone recovery after iatrogenic dehiscences and fenestrations

In this presentation, Dr. Huang will briefly review the two major theories of tooth movement - teeth roots move with bone (new bone forms around the tooth root as it is moved), vs teeth roots move through bone (the boundaries of the existing alveolar bone do not change, so roots can be moved outside the cortical bone).  Obviously, it is better for patients and orthodontists if roots are able to move “with” bone.  However, does this really happen?  The popularity of non-extraction therapy, as well as the use of temporary anchorage devices, means we are moving teeth roots considerable distances, and  both these techniques may increase the risk for dehiscences and fenestrations.  Therefore, it is important to recognize these iatrogenic effects of orthodontic treatment, to minimize them where possible, and to facilitate bony recovery, if possible.  Dr. Huang will present a new theory on how bony recovery of dehiscences and fenestrations might occur. 

Aims and objectives

  • Understand historical theories of bone movement
  • Understand why iatrogenic dehiscences and fenestrations may be more common with current orthodontic techniques
  • Learn about a new theory that predicts bony recovery when dehiscences and fenestration occur as a result of orthodontics


Speaker Biography

Dr. Huang attended dental school at the University of Florida, and then received his Certificate in Orthodontics and MSD from the University of Washington in 1989.  He also holds an MPH in Epidemiology from UW.  Dr. Huang has been a faculty member at the University of Washington for over 25 years, and he has served as the Chair of the Department of Orthodontics since 2008.   He has been a strong proponent of Evidence-based Orthodontics, and has conducted many clinical studies.  Dr. Huang is a Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics, as well as an Angle Society member.  He has published more than 80 scientific articles, and is the editor of two orthodontic textbooks:  Evidence-based Orthodontics. 2nd edition, and Orthodontics: Current Principles and Techniques. 6thedition.